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Process analysis: the characteristics and advantages of ion plating

Release date:2016-05-14 00:00 source:http://www.gilitek.cn Views:

  (1) ion plating has strong dispersion ability, and the shape of the complex is also able to obtain a uniform coating.

Process analysis: the characteristics and advantages of ion plating


In the process of ion plating, the plating material atoms are ionized into charged ions, they will move along the direction of the electric field, so any place where there is a power line is the ion. Also in the shoots of the workpiece in the process of no can be avoided and not ionized metal atomic vapor plating, electronic fierce collision, which will make the ion generating non directional scattering. So in high voltage DC electric field in the cathode position of workpiece, both in the surface of the anode position of the evaporation source, or the back of the oriented; whatever is the bare surface or the hole and groove, ion plating can be plated.

(2) the bonding strength between coating and substrate is high.

As mentioned earlier in ion plating, ion on plating surface bombardment produced by sputtering effect on plating surface with purification function, it is clear that the adsorption film and dirt on the surface in the plating, and the purification effect of concomitant ion plating process from beginning to end. Ion bombardment effect will produce "villain shot matrix on the surface have some atoms are sputtered down and ionization, and with other ions returned to the plating surface, which may in between the coating and the substrate surface to form transition layer or coating material composition and substrate composition of mixed layer. In addition, in the process of ion plating, sputtering effect can also be related to the surface of the substrate or with the plated material which has not been firmly attached to the substrate. The bombardment of ion plating machine can make the whole surface appear some crystal defects, so that the mechanical embedding of the plated material is possible. All of these are beneficial to improve the bonding strength between coating and substrate.

(3) coating fine microstructure.

In ion plating on the ion plating coating changed violently, nucleus and growth mechanism. The experiment proved that the plating with negative bias to improve will get fine grain. The fine structure will undoubtedly make coating having excellent mechanical properties.

(4) the coating can only be a single metal or alloy limitations, ion plating can be compound coating.

In the process of ion plating, as in the evaporation of metal, to the coating chamber through the reaction gas, the reaction can be generated compounds, so that at a lower temperature to obtain the compound coating may be possible. And if the use of other kinds of technology, usually only in a very high temperature by thermal activation can be done.

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